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Proud of What?

Who dreamed this up? Who decided queers could have the rainbow? Now they’re trying to make us all accept it. They’ve been trying all along, but we were too busy with our lives to be bothered. Lately, they’ve been cramming it down our throats. Now we’re bothered.

I wonder if somebody on the board of Budweiser has reconsidered. Was it really a good idea to have a transgender represent them? What is it with men wanting to be women, anyway? I thought it was a man’s world. These corporations are having to make a conscious decision to lose money. Did they really think beer drinkers would appreciate the little girl act by an adult male? Having been to several locations that sell adult beverages, I can attest that they are well stocked with Bud Light.

In the old days companies were in business to make a profit, and they tried everything to make us customers. They were accountable to their shareholders, who also invested to make a profit. What changed? These outfits got so big that they think they can cram reprehensible nonsense down our throats. Do we have no choice? If you want to shop there, you’ll do it under the rainbow flag. Target’s stock has fallen dramatically. I’m guessing they didn’t take a shareholder vote before the decision to put children’s transgender bathing suits near the front door.

But CNN is coming to the rescue. According to one of their articles, the downturn in Target’s stock is the fault of everything but their transgender children’s display. It’s just a general downturn in the economy. These right-wing outlets are way out of line. You mean, we’re not mad?

The pretender’s administration is showcasing this perverted ideology. They’ve decided to make us choke it down, and nobody better complain. Who would dare? They’ve got all kinds of names for any non-compliant. The news networks are on board. It’s PRIDE month.

We’re not proud. The event at the White House with who-knows-what cavorting around the pretender is an affront. It’s an affront to God, and if it’s all the same, we’d rather not offend Him. Especially when everything is already falling apart.