Home » Vol. 26: 4th Quarter 2023 » Iran: Exporting Terror

Iran: Exporting Terror

By all accounts, Israel has seized control of northern Gaza. They’ve urged civilians to move south as the city streets are turned to rubble. They’ve dropped leaflets letting civilians know what is about to happen and suggesting they take the route south. We’ve heard of civilians not being able to leave (the terrorists won’t let them), and now we hear that Hamas fighters have, in some cases, fled south, too. The Biden clan has Israel in its close embrace, and that’s causing some suspicion. Israel’s spokesmen keep telling us that Hamas will be eradicated. But Washington keeps giving advice. 

The Houthis are shooting at U. S. ships in the Red Sea. Maybe you’ve seen Lloyd Austin talking about it, and warning. As of this writing, there’s been nothing but words. Strong words, but words. So far the attacks have not resulted in any deaths, lucky for the Houthis. Not only military ships, cargo vessels flying various flags have been targeted.

According to every source, Iran is behind all the mayhem. They’re rich now, thanks to the policy changes of this “administration.” Iran is supplying and funding nearly every bad actor across the Middle East, and all the commentators in the media are saying it.

Our bases and ships in the area have absorbed many, many attacks, and so far, nothing. Maybe something will happen by the time you read this, but the main concern seems to be expansion of the conflict. 

Israel has bombed Gaza city to oblivion. You’ve witnessed the scenes of boys and men descending on the scene of a recent bombing to retrieve anything of value. Listening to officials, the Israelis say they won’t quit until Hamas is thoroughly defeated for all times. This would never have happened, except for the policies of the big guy. Iran was broke. Now they’re every terrorist’s benefactor. They’re selling oil like it’s going out of style. 

Who’s idea was it to hold a global warming conference in Dubai? One of the oil sheiks has come out and said these green policies are going to drive us back to into caves. John Kerry isn’t looking too happy. In fact, he’s getting angry. He jets around the world, and nobody’s treating this with the proper urgency. At this rate… We’ve got all kinds of stipulations about power generation, and the rest of the world isn’t paying any attention. They can kill all prosperity in the United States, but the “underdeveloped” world isn’t ready to ban cheap electricity. They don’t even have electricity! 

The global-warming alarmists have shown up in their private jets. What could go wrong?

Jets frozen to the tarmac in Germany, unable to attend dignitaries. That might be a problem, along with being told the world doesn’t want to go without electricity. We don’t care what kind of look John Kerry gets on his face, we’re not going back to the stone age!

Somebody must have made a huge mistake! They went to a country dependent on oil exports to have their global warming conference. And got told off. The shiek is walking back his statements, but it’s too late.

All the news channels are saying the same thing, and using the same words again. This time it’s Donald Trump, dictator. That’s right, Liz Cheney has come out and declared that Trump would, more than likely, never give up power if he was to be elected. They’re starting to realize that there’s a strong possibility that Trump will be re-elected, and there’s nothing, NOTHING they wouldn’t do to prevent that. He would enact the brutal policies of history’s worst dictators! Run for your lives!

They played live scenes from the border this morning. It’s unbelievable. Apparently they’ve got themselves so tangled up legally, they think there’s nothing that can be done. No nation on earth lets refugees stream in unconstrained. Europe let the Muslims stream in, and nothing has been the same since.

I guess there’s something of an apology in order, but not really. Some people write and tell me to drop the politics. What is the story of the Bible, and history itself but the stories of rulers and empires, and peoples? We need to know what’s going on, and despite the occasional criticism we’re going to continue to live up to our name.