Home » Vol. 23: 4th Quarter 2020 » Modern Pharisees

Modern Pharisees

“They bind heavy burdens and grievous to be borne…but they themselves will not move them with one of their fingers.”

Suddenly on account of the media’s hype, governors, mayors and county officials have figured out that they have virtually unmitigated power to “keep everybody safe.” They talk to us in sing-song like we’re small children and tell us what to do. If you refuse to go to work you’re not a slacker, you’re just being careful not to acquire or spread the deadly virus.

It’s more than a little disconcerting that the mainstream news media have joined forces with the big corporations, academia, entertainment and sports, and whether you’ve noticed or not, are seeing their audiences flee. Emblazoned on the screen 24 hours a day are false numbers. Health providers were schooled well in advance of the panic as to how to fill out “classification” papers regarding the deceased. The individual might have been dying of 12 different maladies, but if they suspect Covid 19 complicated the situation at all, it was a “confirmed Covid death.”

Interesting how the overall death rate this year is right on track with normal expectations. But that’s not helpful to the activists pushing hysteria, so that information has been banished. A researcher at John Hopkins University wrote a paper comparing the year 2020 to previous years, and found no increase in the death rate across the United States. That paper wasn’t allowed to penetrate the public consciousness though. It was deleted, banished and removed from public view lest the public conclude that Covid was more political hype than actual health concern. 

Some are actually making the argument that the Constitution of the United States should not come into the discussion. You may have the “right to assemble” under the Constitution, but you don’t have the right to endanger the public safety. You’ve probably already come across this justification for grievous orders. But now we’ve found that the worst offenders in California, in Michigan, Oregon, New York and many others, have no intention of following their own dictates. There’s photographic evidence. They expect everybody to wear masks, even advising that they should be pulled down while taking a bite of food, but pulled over the nose and mouth while chewing. What’ll they think of next?

Governor Brylcreem of California recently got caught breaking all his own rules. Not only him, but “California Heath Officials.” You see, they’re important, unlike us. They’ve got important conversations to have in the most exclusive of restaurants, places you’d never spring for. But then somebody took pictures. After he was caught, he issued one of the most pitiful “apologies” you’ll ever hear. And then went right back to lockdowns for those counties that voted against his party.

Poor Californians, New Yorkers, Michiganders, Oregonians and several other states. They’ve been in “lockdown” for ten months and counting. Restaurants were allowed to seat people outside on the sidewalks, where BLM and Antifa thugs could get at them and ruin their evening in unforgettable ways. The videos are accessible. But then they capricously decided that the “new numbers” being reported by the mainstream media were just too much to ignore. They decided they had no choice but to renew the lockdown! Why there hasn’t been mass defiance, we’ll never know.

They tried everything within their power to ruin Thanksgiving, even in states not referenced above. Some said you couldn’t have more than five at Thanksgiving dinner, others said seven. You may have seen the video of the Governor of Oregon. She encouraged people to call law enforcement if they were to witness any violation of her Covid orders. She explained that such violation would be a Class 3 Misdemeanor, punishable by fines or jail time. So if you think you’re going to get away with disobeying her edicts, she’ll get you thrown in jail.

Mom and Pop businesses have long been the backbone of the American economy. But in numerous states, they’ve not been allowed to open. The fines levied for those few who’ve decided to let them wrack up, figuring they’ll fight in court someday, spiral into the hundreds of thousands of dollars. Maybe you’ve seen the gym owner, actually a couple of them, who defied Covid orders, even police raids, and continued to do business. Their fines are in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. To boost their legal position, they’ve instituted all manner of “protocols,” which requires their clients to wear masks, “social distance” (Don’t you love the new lingo we’ve all been forced to adopt?), and see to it that workout equipment is “sanitized” all the time.

Those that hated President Donald Trump were prepared to pull out all the stops to get him out of office. You may remember the lament, that they’d never be able to defeat him short of an economic collapse. So Corona Virus 19 was just the ticket. We saw the Chinese, literally welding people into their houses so they couldn’t come out, issuing all manner of orders, and naively said, “This could never happen in America.” The Constitution wouldn’t allow for it. But these power-hungry, self aggrandizing politicians obviously don’t care about the Constitution. They’ll happily tell Churches they can’t meet. They’ve canceled public and private schools. Science or no science, their word goes!

This little exercise we’ve been through has been a “proof of concept.” They can scare everybody into line, and into believing their “health and safety” outweighs the supreme law of the land. The supreme law of the land is now subject to the whims of some governor somewhere who will send the police if you don’t OBEY!

It violates every concept of freedom. It never occurred to most of us that they could start a nationwide panic like this and people would just fall for it. The word is starting to get out. Who doesn’t realize, at this point, that the wretched virus was used as an excuse to put us into the crisis in which we now find ourselves? It’s been used as a means of getting Donald Trump out of office (whether or not that is the final outcome). It has been used as a way of letting people know they have no rights. 

The biggest of corporations have enjoyed an online shopping boom. After all, the stores are closed, and you might get yelled at if you dare venture into public without your mask. People are buying online, making the big online providers wealthier than ever. Meanwhile, the Mom and Pop facilities are dying on the vine. And just so you know, the mainstream lays that at the door of you-know-who too. “These businesses and individuals need government handouts to survive.” They say it around the clock all over mainstream news. They lay all this disaster they created directly at the feet of Donald J. Trump.

It won’t be long now. Pretty soon we’ll know whether Covid 19 was the perfect solution for ridding the world of freedom and putting all power over our lives and pursuits under the auspices of important people who “follow the science.” Except they don’t.

They cried “Russian Collusion” for at least two years. Then they came with the sham impeachment, and that didn’t work. Finally Covid proved to be the magic bullet. And they found out the masses respond obediently to fear. You think this will be the last time FEAR is used to control the public? Wait ‘till they determine your religious beliefs are a public hazard.