Home » Vol. 26: 4th Quarter 2023 » The Grim Dilemma of Government

The Grim Dilemma of Government

Government is the biggest business on earth. In many nations, the government is the biggest land owner, the biggest employer, the biggest investor, the biggest spender, and has the biggest headache and the biggest hangover.

The whole history of man revolves around the attempt of human beings to govern themselves without interference from any outside source. Government implies order. Government means law. 

But, paradoxically, these tremendous and worthwhile commodities are becoming increasingly sparse in a lawless and chaotic world. Today the greatest attempt of man at world government in all history appears doomed to failure!

With the continuing dilution of the United Nations, and the creation of several new nations each year, the world finds itself with a grim new set of problems for which there appear no solutions.

The Problems Labeled “Insoluble”

Strangely, in this world of giant headaches and huge hangovers, the United States and Great Britain seems to automatically inherit all the problems labeled “insoluble” around the world.

The biggest and most all-consuming headache facing any government today is how to achieve world peace!

Yet, no existing government knows. Each new administration in the United States realizes it is saddled with the almost impossible burden of leading all other governments who strive toward peace on earth, the rights of the individual, and the settlement of international disputes through world courts of law.

The problems of government today are no longer confined to the domestic considerations of food, shelter and clothing for any given nation. Rather, the governmental system of each nation, no matter how small, has suddenly become the headaches and problems of every other nation, no matter how large!

Time was when the domestic crises of many a small nation not only escaped the attention of the average citizen in other countries, but couldn’t have captured his interest if he heard of it.

Today, however, the entire picture has changed. Now the domestic crises of small, forgotten, seemingly unimportant areas of the world are fraught with terrible dangers for the big powers!

Each “New” Government Attempts Success Where Others Have Failed

The most immediate problems of any government are the three basics of life: food, shelter and clothing for the populace of the nation.

All governments have, while differing greatly in their methods of achieving these things, the same basic goals. They seek to govern their peoples in the particular fashion which that government has deemed most appropriate to give those peoples these basic essentials of life.

Government signifies by its very term, law and order!

Yet, many governments are lawless and chaotic.

Governments today represent every extreme from totalitarianism to the “democratic” or republican form of rule by the majority.

Time and again –– and in many cases in very recent history –– nations have wildly supported a new-found champion who promised relief from their misery, higher wages, a burgeoning economy, settlement of all strifes and domestic issues, and a place of greater stature in the world –– only to find their new-found “saviour” was just a leap from the frying pan into the fire.

Witness Cuba with its former government of corruption and police rule; the very epitome of the totalitarian state. After his successful revolution, Fidel Castro began his tireless and endless series of executions, vast reforms, and eloquent promises.

With brother Raul and Che Guevara immediately established in dizzying pinnacles of power, the inevitable occurred. The economy began to stagnate, people were living in fear, and all the usual trademarks of the power-drunk dictatorship began to appear: heavy taxation; nationalization of industries, transport and communications; agrarian “reforms;” compulsory military conscription; state control of all education; with increasing hardships and less food for all!

And the same pattern is being repeated in many a nation around the world, from Africa to Indonesia and Vietnam; from Uruguay and Guatemala to the Sudan.

The plain truth is, NO GOVERNMENT, no, not in the history of the world, has ever brought its people lasting peace, prosperity, and happiness!

True, certain governments have succeeded in achieving remarkable military conquests and glamorous economic heights. But each, in its own turn, tottered and toppled, leaving only the splintered shards, ruined buildings and dust-covered monuments to mark its passing.

Believe it or not, the problems of government are easily understood.

And it’s exactly as simple as “two plus two equals four.”

From the time the first men began to organize themselves, seeking to govern or rule their fellow men for the fulfillment of their hopes and dreams (whether those hopes and dreams were personal or national) each attempt at government has failed!

Look how simple it really is – and understand. From the time Cain killed Abel, men have sought peace on earth. Today, in this modern world of the yawning gap of orbital satellites and illiteracy, this world stands in momentary jeopardy of that “ultimate insanity:” nuclear war, which would annihilate every last man, woman and child on earth!

This war-weary world seems, at this moment, further from world peace, harmony and understanding between nations than it has ever been.

And so, just as simply as two plus two equals four, it is true that the attempts of mankind to achieve peace, and to do it his own way, apart from his God, have resulted in this modern culture of chaos.

Where will it all end? How will it all resolve itself? What lies ahead in the future? These are the really big questions today – and apart from the revelation of Almighty God, the most unanswerable!

NO Government Knows The Way To Peace

In many countries where government is the biggest, and sometimes the only industry in the entire country – there exists, nevertheless, an equal voice in world affairs with the United States and Russia!

Does it make any sense? Does it portend safety, peace, productivity and a new era of prosperity for the world? Hardly. In many cases, it means only more suffering for already impoverished peoples – now subjected to shaky and inadequate governments of their own.

And so, instead of law, order, education, understanding, magnanimity, long-suffering, patience, kindness, justice, equity, trust, faith, a deep grasp of human nature, total lack of racial and religious bias; and all of the lofty qualities which should go into any government – you find illiteracy, selfishness and egotism to the point of embarrassment; an insane desire for personal power; graft and corruption, lying, cheating, injustice, and inequality; insane, crazed, violent racial bigotries and hatreds, and a struggle for immediate status among elder nations of the world!

Is independence wrong, then? Should these nations return to colonial rule?

Let’s get to the point! None of the methods of government in this world today have brought this world peace. Not one of the governmental systems of this world have brought a real and a lasting peace, even for its own peoples!

Look at the tribal bloodshed in Africa; the violent religious battles in Vietnam; the stifling economies of much of Latin America; the impending famine in India; the worsening crime, deepening moral decay, and the sickness of “too much” blighting the big powers. There is no peace today!

This article is not intended to extol the virtues of any man-made system of government –– but to show clearly the failings of all systems!

Not in all human history has any attempt of mankind to govern himself led the world toward peace.

Today, we are closer to human extinction through the squabbles of governments than ever before in human experience.

Point to the government that has brought the world peace. Identify, if you can, the one great system that has always succeeded. Yes, just as two plus two still makes four, so does the very fact that mankind’s searching for peace, man’s way, always leads toward greater wars!