Home » Vol. 25: 1st Quarter 2022 » The New Fascism

The New Fascism

A Serious Threat To Political And Religious Freedom In the West

Truth Reversed to Create the Big Lie

Academia and the media have convinced people for years that the conservative movement is Fascist. The truth is just the opposite. Fascism has common roots with modern day Progressives! It can be seen that the tactics of modern progressives are similar to ones used by Fascists. Many of their goals are similar as well. Hitler wrote that the masses are more likely to believe a big lie than a little lie! Fascism uses violence to force itself upon the people. “They are too stupid to know what is good for them,” the elites believe.

Karl Marx wrote in his book creating socialism and communism that a few  “visionaries” –– in his words –– would see the big picture. These elites would control the new Big Government run society. Marx pictured a world with no real upper middle class, just all the little people sharing equally. Since one cannot share what has not been produced, the masses of people would live in poverty. Without profit incentive, productions declines. The visionaries, or leaders, would do much better. We see even now the elites are exempt from their restrictive rules. The rules are just for the masses, not them. Climate control restrictions on cars will be forced on the masses, but exemptions for ruling elites are coming.

Just like Mussolini’s thugs, the modern left has their street thugs in black, called “Antifa.” Mussolini’s thugs wore black shirts. Antifa wears black shirts and also attack the left’s political opponents, just like Mussolini’s thugs. Hitler’s street thugs wore “brown shirts.” The modern left does not really oppose Fascism, they are Fascists with a new name: “Progressives.” Fascism light, maybe! 

Repressive, large, Socialist governments hinder individual freedom. Just look at the repression in Canada. An authoritative government concealed by fake media can suddenly swoop down and confiscate anything it wants. This is a violation of the commandment against stealing, so we know it has to be bad for society. Nations with freer markets are more prosperous, which shows the inviolability of God’s Laws.

It is Erroneous to Consider Fascism or Nazism as Conservative

Remember, the name of the NAZI party is The National SOCIALIST Party. Fascism differs from Communism in one major way: Fascism uses big corporations to enforce government rules and policies. Big business leaders are part of the elite “visionaries” who help run the nation. Fascists want to disarm the public, except for their street thugs, to increase government’s power over the people. Hitler disarmed all Germans and the Communists did the same in the Soviet Empire.

The Beginnings of Fascism and Mussolini

It began in 1919, as Mussolini started a powerful movement in Italy. He then championed order and a large, all-powerful central government. Fascism is a form of Statism, where the state is more important than the individual. People are taught to worship the leader more than God.

Violence, he thought, “Turned the wheels of history.” WWI found Italy neutral. Mussolini believed that the violent upheaval of the Great War would advance the Socialist revolutionary cause. He supported entry into the war. Italy lost a half million men in the war and even though on the victor’s side, they were not given any meaningful territorial gains in the Versailles Treaty. This set off post war upheavals in Italy and led to unstable governments and street clashes of various parties. Mussolini exploited the public anger over WWI. He named the party after the term “Fascio,” an ancient Roman Empire military standard. His street thugs were the Fascio and wore black shirts. Some were former storm troopers from WWI. Their motto was “I don’t give a —-”! They used the famous Roman salute, jutting out of the right arm and hailing the leader. The Romans would say “Hail Caesar.” They saluted their leader “Il Duche” (The Boss). Mussolini’s name had to be written in all capitals.

Fascism fused three elements together: Socialism, Nationalism and Revolutionary fervor (spiced with heavy violence). They co-opted big business to serve their socialist over-regulation and control of the peoples’ agenda. It is clear that climate issues can also be used to gain more control of the masses. It was a type of socialism by getting big businesses to help control the masses. We now see this in action––big tech big pharma, big airlines, etc. are helping control the masses. Conservatives know that forced redistribution is stealing and leads to the impoverishment of all.

Acts 5:3-4, “But Peter said, Ananias, why has the Evil One put it into your heart to be false to the Holy Spirit, and to keep back part of the price of the land? While you had it, was it not your property? and after you had given it in exchange, was it not still in your power? how has this purpose come into your mind? you have been false, not to men, but to God.”

The very productive have their incentive undermined by excessive taxes and regulations. The free riders have no incentive to be productive. The economic collapse of the Communist Empire demonstrated this beyond any doubt. Look at North Korea for an example of poverty and communism (total socialism). Is the West moving toward a new Fascism?