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Ignorance is Not Bliss

by Victor Sharpe, Buffalo Gap Round-Up

There is ignorance as to when the war by Islamists against America began. Many think it first occurred on 9/11/2001. But it began much, much earlier. 

Let us go back to the Iran hostage crisis in 1979. That outrage was followed by the Lebanon barracks massacre of American soldiers in 1983 followed by the Pan Am Lockerbie atrocity in 1988. Then came the first New York World Trade Center bombing in 1993; the Khyber Towers massacre of U.S. personnel in Dharan in 1996; the bombings of the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998, the attack on the U.S. Cole in Yemen in 2000 and the worst Islamist crime of all in the U.S. in 2001 when the World Trade Center was destroyed and the Pentagon badly damaged.

Till the present day there have been thousands of Islamist acts of blood soaked aggression in the name of Allah throughout Europe, the United Kingdom, Israel and elsewhere with thousands upon thousands of innocent civilians murdered.

This abiding horror is primarily funded by the Iranian regime ––the same Islamists to whom Barack Obama gave $150 Billion. Ostensibly it was to help the Iranian people, but predictably it has been used to spread terror throughout much of the world, while the mad mullahs continue to feverishly build atomic weapons and the ICBMs to deliver them.

The jihadist adventurism by the Iranian regime is nothing new. Indeed, it has been at the heart of Iranian foreign policy since the Shah was overthrown during the presidency of Jimmy Carter, whose own misguided policies led to the Shah’s downfall and to the rise of Ayatollah Khomeini in his place. 

Immediately Khomeini proclaimed that, “We shall export our revolution to the whole world until the cry ‘there is no god but Allah’ resounds over the whole world.” True to Khomeini’s words, for forty years the mullahs have shed the blood of Americans and others with impunity.

In my first paragraph, I noted that the Islamist war against America began much earlier than September 11th, 2001. It, of course, began around the time of America’s Declaration of Independence in 1776.

In his recent Ettinger Report, Mr. Ettinger wrote: “Islamic terrorism has been an integral feature of U.S. history as represented by the following U.S. personalities,  who were unrestrained by our foolish 2019 political correctness.” He wrote the  following: “In 1786, Presidents-to-be John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, then US Ambassadors to Britain and France, reported to Congress a message from the representative of the Tripoli Barbary Muslim pirates, which articulated the reason for Muslim hostility towards the U.S.  

“Islam was founded on the laws of the Prophet, as written in the Quran. All  nations, which have not acknowledged Islam’s authority, are sinners. It is the Muslims’ right and duty to make war upon them wherever they can be found, and to enslave them.

“Every Muslim slain in battle is sure to go to Paradise.”

A bribe was demanded by the pirates with the claim that such payment would secure only some temporary lenience and during 1801-1805, President Jefferson would have no more of it. He deployed the U.S. Navy and Marines to Tripoli, defeating the Muslim pirates and freeing all U.S. slaves.

In 1916, President Teddy Roosevelt wrote: “Wherever the Mohammedans have had complete sway and wherever the Christians have been unable to resist them by the sword, Christianity has ultimately disappeared… If the people of Europe had not possessed a military equality with, and gradually a growing superiority, over the Mohammedans who invaded Europe, Europe would be at this moment Mohammedan, and the Christian religion would be exterminated…”

Mr. Ettinger summarized the vulnerability of present day Western misunderstanding of the 7th century mentality that still drives Islam. It is an ideology, which can be summed up by its followers as follows:

“Islam is the only legitimate religion, divinely-ordained to rule;

“The abode of the ‘infidels’ must submit itself to the abode of the believers unconditionally, peacefully or militarily;

Jihad (holy war) must be conducted on behalf of Islam;

“Terrorism aims to terrify ‘infidel’ civilians;

“Agreements with ‘infidels’ constitute non-binding, temporary ceasefires and truces (Sulh, Hudna)––not the end of conflicts––to be abrogated once the Muslim believers regain sufficient fire-power.

“Double-speak and dissimulation (Taqiyyah) are legitimate tactics aimed at misleading and defeating the infidel.”

Unless we wake up, the West’s adoption of “political correctness,” “diversity,” and “multiculturalism” may well be the self-imposed idiocy which assists Islam to more easily defeat us. Ignorance is not bliss.