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In Case You Missed It


Finally, A Stark Admission 

The New York Times is regarded as a flagship media organization. Its stories are carried by dozens if not hundreds of other publications. Television networks assemble panels of “experts” to analyze what is written in the New York Times, and it drove coverage of the “Russia Collusion” story until it finally collapsed. 

Now comes the startling admission from the Editor in Chief of the New York Times, Dean Baquet, who proudly admitted that they “built their newsroom to cover one story, and we did it truly well.” So they took fake news and used it as a backdrop, coloring everything else they reported and misinforming millions, intentionally!

But now there’s a new angle. The nation’s flagship media outlet has admitted that they’re going to “shift resources,” and, “use all our muscles” to double down on flinging “racist” accusations as a focal point of everything we’ll hear for some time to come. Get used to it. Either get on board with every shifting politically-correct demand, or be accused and smeared by the flagship newspaper that is rewriting American history with the stated intent to make everything about racial division. The mainstream media has become nothing more than deceitful propaganda. And they’re so proud of themselves. 


Millions of Martyrs

We’ve known for years that the “diplomatic” statements that come from the likes of Israel’s enemies don’t often reflect what they’re saying to their followers. The so-called “president” of the Palestinian Authority let fly in a speech at a refugee camp near the town of Ramallah that got our attention. He’s calling for “millions of fighters” to swarm Jerusalem, killing the Jewish residents and destroying everything they’ve built. Just so you get the drift, here’s a quotation confirmed to be accurate by the Middle East Media Research Institute known as MEMRI. “To Jerusalem we march, martyrs by the millions!” (I thought you had to already be dead to be a martyr, but they might turn out to be martyrs if they try to carry out Abbas’ threat.) “We shall enter Jerusalem—millions of fighters! We shall enter it! All of us, the entire Palestinian people, the entire Arab nation, the Islamic nation and the Christian nation. They shall all enter Jerusalem!”

It seems like they tried this in the Six Day War back in 1967 when they attacked from all sides. From Egypt, from Lebanon, from Jordan and Syria. Their brave fighters threw down their guns, ditched their boots and ran for their lives. In fact, that’s when they lost everything from East Jerusalem to the River Jordan. Ever since, they’ve tried to portray themselves as the world’s foremost victims. They deny the Holocaust ever happened, that way they can claim victim-hood that surpasses anybody else on earth, especially the Jews who they want dead or gone. 

The utterances of Abbas to his Palestinian audience, which by now has coursed through the entire Arab world and even appears in the American press, sound vaguely prophetic. You know, the part about Jerusalem being surrounded with armies…In fact, it’s just another example of an attempt to encourage terrorism as if it’s the path to the realization of a great cause. Abbas’ speech went on to defend the payments that are made to the families of dead terrorists and those wounded trying to realize their bloodthirsty dream. “We will not accept their designation of our martyrs as terrorists…All the money will go back to them, because the martyrs, the wounded and the prisoners are the most sacred things we have.” He might be right about that last part, because nothing about their murderous cause is “sacred.” 

The Climate Trial of the Century or 

Hide the Hockey Stick! 

Don’t hold your breath waiting for the mainstream media to inform the public of this major disaster for their “climate emergency” agenda. Michael Mann is a climatologist from Penn State University, and the creator of the infamous “hockey stick graph.” His “findings” have been used by the UN to support predictions of an imminent worldwide climate disaster unless nations (particularly the 

U.S.) rearrange entire economies to “fight climate change.” Six years ago Mann sued Dr. Tim Ball on the basis of libel and defamation for disputing Mann’s data. Mind you, this is the data upon which “90 some percent of scientists agree,” composing the supposed “consensus” the media lectures about endlessly. It was invoked heavily in Al Gore’s badly misnamed Inconvenient Truth movie. 

Suing Dr. Ball probably seemed like a good idea six years ago, but not anymore. It seems that Mann defied the judge’s orders, and REFUSED to produce the data that led to his “hockey stick” graph which supposedly proved that worldwide temperatures have gone up dramatically since the industrial revolution, proving “man-made climate change.”

Not only was Mann’s case thrown out, the Judge in British Columbia has ordered him to pay the attorney’s fees of Dr. Ball, which after six years must be a tidy sum. Now Dr. Ball is expected to file a legal action accusing Mann of acting with “criminal intent,” having used public funds to commit climate data fraud. Not only that, but his “work” has been used as a major basis for world leaders (the pope, Emmanuel Macron, presidential contenders galore…) to constantly lecture us about the need to panic and give up freedom and financial security to “save the planet.” 

Somehow, the mainstream media managed to get through the East Anglia debacle without informing the public that the whole “man-made climate change” agenda was a hoax, though it clearly was. We’ll see how they try to hide or misinterpret this little gem. Oh, and by the way, there are more legal actions coming. Dr. Ball isn’t the only one Mann sued. Another action against Mark Steyn is pending and expected to be decided by the Canadian Supreme Court. Dr. Ball may not be finished with Mann either. Maybe we won’t have to get rid of the cows and airplanes after all! And Michael Mann, one of the primary creators of the supposed “scientific consensus,” will finally go down in flames.

Rooting for Recession 

We got a heavy dose of the “bond yield inversion” news that accompanied the worst day the stock market had all year, down some 800 points or 3%. Network reports said that the “bond yield inversion” was a reliable indicator of a coming recession. What they didn’t say is that this phenomenon has occurred several times before, when it didn’t lead to a recession. But several figures in media and entertainment have opined that a failing American economy might be the only way to rid the White House of President Donald Trump. 

That’s what the media is selling now. Trade war with China has been deeply unpopular with the mainstream media. We’ve been subjected to all manner of dark suppositions about farmers being unable to sell their goods, and a global financial catastrophe just around the corner. It seems the media would like nothing better. That, as we’ve heard from pundits and entertainers, is the one way to make absolutely sure that Trump doesn’t win another election. So batten down the hatches and prepare for a dark economic future. That’s what the media is reporting, and that’s what they desperately want to bring to pass.