Home » Vol. 18: 4th Quarter 2015 » Commentary: And They Call Us Deniers

Commentary: And They Call Us Deniers

By Mark Armstrong

Not just any Muslim terrorists, but killers loyal to ISIS went on a bloodthirsty killing spree in, of all places, San Bernardino, California. Any casual observer knew immediately that it was an ISIS style attack, much like the one that had occurred only two weeks before in Paris. It was the one president Obama said we didn’t have to worry about here in the United States homeland. It took some four days before the F.B.I. could bring themselves to say they were investigating it as a terrorist attack and probably only then because the news reports were making what had happened so abundantly clear. It took Obama nearly a week before grudgingly admitting that it may have had something to do with a “perverted” interpretation of Islam, before he launched into a lecture against we the people, if we dared to think it had anything to do with Islam, or Muslims in general.

French President Hollande uncharacteristically declared that France would begin to “wage pitiless war” against the terrorists. But even people who witnessed and survived the hideous ordeal in Paris were quick to tell interviewers that they don’t blame Muslims or their religion. “We’ve gotten past all that,” one Parisian declared. We’ll see what comes of it, but chances are the “pitiless war” was just rhetoric spoken in the emotional wake of the mounting body count in Paris.

Hollande’s early response was to say that France would not cower in the face of terror, but will continue to enjoy the lifestyle of liberty ingrained in its culture. Then they shut everything down. A whole week after the vicious attack, the streets were still virtually empty. Public transportation practically came to a halt, everything was closed. People were staying home afraid to go out in public.

Only nine hours prior to the report of machine gun fire and bombs going off at locations around Paris, Obama was on Good Morning America with George Stephanopolis (a political hack for Bill and Hillary Clinton who was welcomed into an anchor chair for ABC as a fair and unbiased arbiter of current events). He told George and the world at large that ISIS was contained, and that his strategy was playing out successfully.

Obama took to the podium in Turkey to declare, “What I’m not interested in, is… pursuing some concept of…ah… ‘America leading’ or ‘America winning’.” No, that would be completely counterproductive, according to the president. He’s already pursuing the right strategy, he insists, one of containing ISIS and working together more closely with our allies. Then came the most important part of his reaction. That’s when he took to lecturing all of us from his podium in Turkey, that it would be wrong, even dangerous to conflate the incident in Paris with the religion of Islam. Why would it be dangerous? Because all the Muslims in the Middle East might leap to the conclusion that we in the West are critical of their beliefs and practices, critical of them as human beings, and then the lid would really blow off!

Something became crystal clear in the aftermath of carnage in Paris, the criticisms of the president, and the discussion of whether the religion of Islam has anything to do with terrorist attacks all over the world. You and I are incredibly ignorant and bigoted if we don’t understand that all GOOD Muslims, you know, 99.999 percent of ALL Muslims, reject out of hand the clear instructions of the prophet Mohammad. All truly enlightened and civilized people are well aware that GOOD Muslims would never support this tiny handful of jihadists that believe that they must either convert or kill infidels, Jews or Christians or anybody else who hesitates to become one of them. If you don’t believe that, and understand it as self-evident truth, then you’re xenophobic, bigoted and beyond redemption.

Only BAD Muslims would carry out, or privately support these vile acts of wanton murder. Only BAD Muslims would actually act out Mohammad’s clear instructions. Oh, but these terrorists really aren’t Islamic at all. According to the president, they have nothing to do with Islam!

Think about this, it’s incredible. GOOD Muslims would NEVER actually get on board with what they regard as holy scripture in the Koran and the collections of Mohammad’s sayings and quotes known as the Hadith. There have been all kinds of historical disputes over which accounts of Mohammad’s sayings are accurate and which are “weak” or lacking in credibility. Those disputes are responsible for the many divided sects, the most notable being the Sunni and the Shiite. While they may disagree on details, one thing is clear: They all agree that Islam is destined to conquer the world, and that infidels, particularly Jews and Christians must be conquered, subjugated under Islamic law, or killed. It is a religious imperative under the Koran and various versions of the Hadith that all Muslims contribute to that end. Sunnis and Shiites, regardless of their internal disputes, agree on these points and have their high holy men, their “clerics,” preaching this doctrine on a continuing basis.

But GOOD Muslims would never, EVER condone outright slaughter of unsuspecting civilians like the attack just carried out in Paris. No, we’d be ignorant to believe that any GOOD Muslims actually believe and support the clear narrative of their holy books. That would be ridiculous…

When pressed on the issue while Paris was still cleaning up riddled and blown-up bodies, Hillary Clinton actually refused to equate the attack as having anything to do with the religion of Islam. No, that would be “painting with too broad a brush,” she said.

So there you have it! Only BAD Muslims actually live the words of the Koran, and follow the example of their prophet. And there’s only a relative handful of those. All GOOD Muslims hate what those BAD Muslims have done, and believe that they have besmirched the great religion of peace by following its dictates to the letter.

And if we don’t understand that pretty much all Muslims are GOOD, and would never act upon the instructions of their holy scriptures, then we’re ignorant bigots. The enlightened Obama, having been raised and taught Islamic precepts from a tender age, knows this emphatically, and will rule accordingly on our behalf.

So what if one of the attackers came into Europe with the hundreds of thousands of supposed “refugees.” He must have been the only one! These people, these massive hordes of young swarthy men, need our help. To quote the enlightened one, “To slam the door in their face would… ah… be… ah… in-consistent with American values.”

Nearly half the governors of the United States have publicly rejected the idea that the “refugees” should be transported and settled in their states. But never mind that. Obama knows best, and besides, the States have no legal right to reject what the federal government under Obama has decreed.

So, here they come. There’s no stopping it. We have nothing to say. Our representatives in Washington have nothing to say. The governor of our state can say what he wants, too bad. Obama is sending the refugees anyway.

Clearly, the president knows best. He’s much more enlightened than the heads of the CIA, FBI, the NSA, or any collection of governors. They all say they have no way of knowing who’s who when it comes to the hordes Obama wants settled in the U.S. They say we’re already in grave danger of a domestic terror attack along the lines of 9-11 or the Paris massacre. Their resources and manpower are already stretched to the breaking point. There are a couple of hundred here in the U.S. that went over to fight with ISIS and have returned. There are over twelve hundred known Muslims in the United States who are under suspicion of terrorist intentions. What happens when another 10,000 or 100,000 or 200,000 take up residence among the American citizenry? The agencies tasked with our protection tell us there’s no way they can stay on top of the situation. They say we’re in grave danger of more terrorist attacks.

But Obama obviously is not listening to them either. The Muslims are coming to a state, perhaps a neighborhood near you, and there’s nothing you, your representatives, law enforcement or your governor can do about it. He’s spoken, he knows best, and it’s “the right thing ta dooo.” Just like when he released five more terrorists out of Guantanamo Bay Saturday, after the Friday night attacks on Paris. This president apparently hates America, and scoffs at everyone who loves it and wants it preserved. It’s hard to believe that, being so fond of the religion of Islam, he doesn’t realize that the terrorists are merely acting out the dictates of their prophet. They’re following the instruction of their “holy” scriptures to the letter. Meanwhile, the president tells us, and the world, terrorism has nothing to do with Islam. If that is not absolute denial of incon-trovertible truth, then what is?

As France scrambles to mop up the terrorist cells that have caused such horrid bloodshed and incalculable grief on families and loved ones, that nation realizes that they’ve got thousands more potential terrorists living among them already. Recent years have seen their rebellion against free society; rampages in the streets with windows shattered and shops looted, cars torched by the hundreds. They’ve seen their streets blocked by hundreds of Muslims who decided to hold their prayer vigils in the middle of a boulevard. Paris has whole districts that are un-assimilated and angry, as does nearly every other European city. Those districts are growing now, exponentially.

And yet, as we’ve noted, many in France remain in denial. Several interviews with Parisians revealed that they still are not prepared to admit what motivates the mindless violence. When asked if they’ve begun to look at Muslims or the religion of Islam differently, the reply came, “No, I think we’ve progressed past all that.” But that may be starting to change, in France and elsewhere around Europe.

France just held regional elections that saw what the mainstream calls the “far-right” National Front (known as FN) originally founded by Jean Marie Le Pen, making substantial gains with voters. Some are concerned that the popularity of Marine Le Pen may propel her into the French presidency in 2017.

As we noted long prior to the current onslaught of north African and Middle Eastern “refugees” pouring across Europe, there was already a major Muslim problem in Germany, in Belgium, in France, in Sweden. In 2010 German Chancellor Angela Merkel made big news declaring that Germany’s experiment with a multi-cultural society had not only failed, but “utterly failed.” Given the facts on the ground, the “no-go” ghettos and non-stop terror investigations, it certainly seemed a logical reaction on her part.

What could have changed her position? Now she’s Time magazine’s Woman of the Year, and the most noteworthy thing she has done is to invite the entirety of the Muslim world into Europe to be supported by an already overburdened socialist system. In addition to that, one of the Paris attackers arrived amid the swarms of “refugees” and had his part in murdering well over one hundred innocent civilians. So it’s only logical that Time magazine has named her Woman of the Year for 2015. How very fitting! The formerly reliable news periodical has elevated her stock around the world now for her part in the destruction of all of western civilization.

Meanwhile, leaders of 165 nations have gathered in Paris to complete some kind of international agreement on “Global Warming,” or is it “Climate Change?” They’ve got to enter into some kind of pact to be enforced by the UN, or the damage will be irreversible, they say. Surely they know of the many scandals that have arisen from their attempts to doctor temperature data, present and past. Surely they know that their many predictions, from melted Himalayan glaciers to an ice-free arctic have failed. We certainly do!

No, it’s absolutely clear to them that we must surrender our earnings and perhaps our way of life, giving the UN and various government agencies unlimited power to “save the planet,” and if we don’t agree, then we’re just “deniers.” You know, like those who refuse to acknowledge Jesus as the Son of God, or like those who claim the holocaust never happened.

Yes, “global warming” has become a “faith” with religious overtones. Why, a Catholic Cardinal just made worldwide headlines by stating that the pope himself may well intervene if climate-talks don’t pan out.

Here we have a Muslim terrorist movement that literally spans the globe, but with Israel, Europe and America as its primary targets. Obama scolds us to respect the religion that mandates their actions. Then he turns around to scoff at anyone who doesn’t support some global plan to distribute “carbon credits,” redistribute wealth, and impose itself on everyone’s personal lifestyle. He, his political supporters and the mainstream media still have the gall to call us “Deniers.”

May God give us the strength to survive another year of his double-talking balderdash.