Home » Vol. 18: 4th Quarter 2015 » The Pontiff’s Shoes

The Pontiff’s Shoes

In the wake of the terrorist attacks in Paris, demonstrations related to the “global-warming/ climate-change” conference were banned by the French authorities. Since the plaza protesters would have taken over was the scene of mourning and memorials from the November 13 terrorist massacre, protest organizers came up with the idea of placing pairs of shoes in the Place de la Republique in symbolic protest. Climate-change demonstrations had been canceled for the location. So thousands of shoes were placed in the square, symbolic of those who would have been out in the street, demanding precisely what Obama and Hollande and the UN plan to accomplish during their conference.

Among the high-heels and sandals arranged in the street, (Reuters reported) were a simple pair of plain black shoes, sent by pope Francis. The pontiff regards himself as an environmental activist, and he obviously intends for the world to hear that he is in league with protests demanding an international “carbon credit” system and is on board with mandatory “carbon taxes” such as the one already in effect in Australia. But despite the fact that Australia already has a “carbon tax” in place, driving up fuel and energy costs, “global warming” protesters turned out in Sydney too.

Hundreds of climate radicals turned out to desecrate the Place de la Republique in battles with police despite the fact that their protest had been banned, and despite the clever display of shoes. According to Reuters news service, Paris police had to use tear gas to disperse two hundred odd protesters, many wearing masks, throwing rocks, shoes and candles from the memorial to the fallen, in a pitched battle with the police. Even the socialist president Hollande, who plans to do all within his power to push through an international agreement to redistribute wealth, from primarily the United States, to the third world expressed disgust with the actions of the protesters. And they are protesting in favor of what he, Obama, leaders in the UK, EU and UN are demanding.

Not only is the humble pontiff a “climate-change” protester, one of his cardinals told news outlets that the pope himself will intervene if the “climate-change” negotiations should falter. However, he would do so “subtly.”

That’s nice. But there’s nothing subtle about the measures western leaders want to impose upon their own nations. The demand in essence is that we all agree that the poor nations of the world are poor because the industrial nations have flourished at their expense. Success at the “climate-change” conference would mean that the United States would begin to pay “reparations” to all the destitute nations of Africa, the Middle East, Asia, Central and South America, in addition to accepting UN authority over our own domestic energy production and consumption.

In short, success for the environmental activists would mean disaster for all developed nations. That’s just what the UN wants. That’s just what president Obama wants, it’s what Angela Merkel wants, and it’s what other socialist leaders of Europe want. A world authority over everything, one that looks nothing like the United States or any other affluent western society. More proof that they’re angling for our dissolution and destruction is the flood of the lowest imaginable third-world “hard luck” cases they’re funneling into our culture at great risk to us all. Their plan for the modern descendants of ancient Israel is clearer by the day. “You will pay, and you will lose all the blessings God saw fit to bestow on you. And you’d better agree to every bit of it, or face the consequences!”