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Any Graven Image

Our cover depicts the pope clutching a golden image in his hands which are wrapped in a cape that is draped around his neck. It sounds a little weird alright, but there it is, just look at the picture. As this cover photo was being described in a public meeting we recently held in Springfield, Mo., a lady piped up from the back of the room.

The first impression was that we had an interruption from a heckler. But it turned out that she was simply trying to explain the false impression. The “sacred artifact” was not a depiction of the sun, with rays emanating at all! No, the golden disc is simply a depiction of the wafer provided to the faithful during communion, and the tentacles that appear to be sun rays to the uninitiated observer, are actually intended to depict the Holy Spirit radiating from the wafer, which of course becomes the actual body of Christ as it is consumed by believers according to the “faith.”

That all sounded very interesting, but never convinced me that the golden idol was anything more than an obvious depiction of the sun, and therefore another acknowledgement of the pagan origins of symbolism and practices which are presented with complicated arguments that we are to accept at face value. I later lamented that, although I accepted the lady’s explanation of the official line for the sun idol, wasn’t quick enough to add, “Yes, and I understand that rabbits also scurry into the garden to lay and conceal Easter eggs.” Another missed opportunity!

Everyone seemed quick to want to give Bergoglio, the Italian from Argentina, every benefit of the doubt. World media were charmed when he went out of his way to demonstrate humility. Why, he insisted on toting his own luggage! He purportedly drove his own car, an aging clunker (not him, but his car). Then there began to be troubling hints that he viewed capitalism in a disparaging light, and was partial to socialism.

He’d gone to a refugee center in Southern Italy, only days after the suicide bomb attacks at the airport in Brussels, Belgium. The pope denounced the attacks as having been carried out by “bloodthirsty people beholden to the weapons industry.” Yes, we know. It’s not nice to question the pious pontiff, particularly when he’s engaged in such “holy” endeavors. But really? The Muslim suicide bombers who blew themselves up killing unsuspecting travelers at the airport were “beholden to the weapons industry?” That requires a leap of logic that is simply impossible. But who could doubt his humility after he’d washed and then bent down to kiss the feet of who knows who?

He said the Brussels attacks were an attempt to disrupt the “brotherhood of unity represented by the migrants.” Obviously, the “migrants” know nothing of this so-called “brotherhood of unity.” They despise westerners, our society, and culture and intend to claim it in due time.

These actions and statements preceded the great Muslim invasion of Europe, and were undoubtedly at least part of the reason that Europe felt obliged to open the floodgates. The pope said they all wanted “to live in peace, integrated.” To pack that many falsehoods into so few words must require a special talent.

The Muslims who’ve invaded Europe have made it abundantly clear that they have no intention of integrating or living in peace. Some may have escaped the mayhem of battle zones, but those battle zones involve Muslim-on-Muslim violence, and they all seem to believe that killing people in a blind religious rage will bring them to an opulent afterlife.

They didn’t leave their violent philosophies in the Middle East––they brought them to Europe. And that’s not the half of it. Their religion tells them not to integrate with non-Muslims. It tells them they are free to kill or rape infidels, and they themselves are not confused about their mission. It is to conquer Europe by every possible means, employing the short-sighted empathy of their hosts.

The pope had already gone to great lengths to gain support from Islamic high holy men, Protestant ministers from the United States, and leaders of the Orthodox churches of Europe and Russia. Now he’s cast himself as the patron saint of refugees and lectured Europe, the United States and the world that bringing them into our societies and supporting them financially is a Christian duty! Many churches in the U. S. have made up for lack of membership and income by taking government subsidy money to provide food and housing for people from Northern Africa and the Middle East.

The floodgates in America were opened under the administration of Barack Obama, and it wasn’t only Africans and Middle Easterners who were being transported and settled all over the United States, largely in rural areas and otherwise conservative communities. It was also “unaccompanied children” and “families” from El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico and elsewhere. They walked across the border only to be loaded onto chartered airplanes and Homeland Security buses with the windows blacked out to be transported under cover of darkness so as not to awaken the media or alarm the citizen population.

Maybe it didn’t all work out exactly as the pope had planned. It’s likely he didn’t realize that the blight he and Angela Merkel unleashed upon the UK would lead to its exit from the European Union. And we can be fairly confident that he had no idea that the same sentiment in the United States would result in the election of one Donald Trump. He probably had no idea that he was touching off something that he would then have to rail about constantly.

This pope doesn’t come right out and say he’s a socialist, dedicated to the destruction of capitalism. He just says he’s known a lot of socialists, and they’re really nice people. He resides behind the Vatican walls, and denounces the concept of walls and fences, particularly as they’ve become necessary to protect the citizens of Eastern Europe from the onslaught of Muslim “refugees.” But he’s also sending a not-so-veiled message to America; resist the call for a Southern border wall! It seems the very concept of a society trying to protect itself from invasion (from whatever source) is inherently evil. Easy for him to say, from behind the Vatican walls.

Francis has even caused tremendous consternation from among Catholics. We were all taken aback when the pope claimed that we all owe the LGBTQ community an apology. More than that, we need to ask their forgiveness! For what, we’re not sure. He says since some nations and communities view these issues differently that he’s in no position to judge. Of course he’s in no position to judge––God has already done that! His Word is replete with judgments, Old Testament and New, and very specific concerning the subject at hand. The activities for which the pope is in no position to judge have all been condemned in God’s Word, without the slightest ambiguity. So we all owe the “gay” activist community a hearty apology and we need to ask their forgiveness for having heeded God’s Word?

This pope has been tremendously destructive to all of Western Civilization. He’s worked to try to make it seem as if everyone and every culture on earth is the same, and only a brainwashed radical snowflake would agree. The fact that the Islamic religion instructs good Muslims to kill Christians and occupy their lands is an obvious problem that the pope stubbornly refuses to acknowledge. But he’s so “holy” and “humble,” most dare not take issue.

But not all. The fact is that the pope has alarmed many even within the fold. The former pope, who took the unheard of step of resignation, has dared criticize. The German Ratzinger, who called himself Benedict, is quoted as having said the institution under Francis, “has taken on so much water as to be on the verge of capsizing.”

Francis complained that the G-20 summit might not do enough to promote the cause of immigrants. Since when did the “cause of immigrants” have anything to do with anything? He also urged Europe, already reeling from the influx of aggressive Muslim men, move quickly to erase borders and, “take, as soon as possible, a strong federal structure.” Those familiar with Bible prophecy know that a “strong federal structure” among ten nations in Europe bears a disturbingly close resemblance to the “beast” power described in the book of Revelation. And the pope is urging that it be brought about?

The pope’s closest advisors have gone public to condemn capitalism. It’s particularly curious, because if it weren’t for the capitalist West, there would be nowhere for his beloved Muslims (who have absolutely no respect for him or his “faith,” despite photo-ops with Imams) to go. If it weren’t for those who have worked to provide the prosperity of western society, the pope would have no one to lecture and no orderly “sanctuary” for them to occupy.

They could have been sent to one or several of the wealthy Gulf kingdoms, couldn’t they? There’s plenty of space, plenty of money, and don’t they share beliefs and sentiments as well? We’ve never seen this question debated, and the humble pontiff has apparently not lectured the Saudis, Kuwaitis or the United Arab Emerites. No, for some reason they are the responsibility of the West.

One prominent Catholic skeptic is Marcello Pera, who co-authored a book with former pope Benedict (Ratzinger) and is a former president of the Italian senate. Pera has openly expressed some reservations and observations about the motives of pope Francis that were quoted by The Australian in an article headlined, “Pro-migrant Pope ‘Destroying Christianity?’” He is quoted as saying, “Bergoglio just wants to do politics, the Gospel doesn’t matter at all.”

On the subject of unlimited Muslim immigration into Europe, Pera says, “It’s evident to all that an indiscriminate welcoming is not possible. There is a critical point that cannot be reached. If the Pope does not make reference to this critical point, if he insists in a massive and total welcoming, I ask myself; ‘why does he say it? What is the true end of his words? Why does he lack a minimum of realism, that very little that is requested of anyone?’ The answer I can give myself is only one; ‘the Pope does it because he hates the West, he aspires to destroy it, and he does all he can to reach this end. As he aspires to destroy the Christian tradition, Christianity as it has realized itself historically.’”

Obviously, he’s concerned about the role Catholicism has played historically, rather than the kind of personal relationship Jesus exemplified as true Christianity. Pope John Paul II played a role politically in the encouragement of the people of Poland and other eastern European countries to rise up against the abusive communist police state that had enslaved them since the end of World War II. But Francis (Bergoglio) is enamored with socialism. He’s bought into the false narrative of government as master over everything, dispensing “equality” by taking from those who’ve earned their way of life and redistributing wealth as it sees fit. He’s cast that philosophy as “Christian,” making it a Christian imperative to import millions of backward, poverty stricken “immigrants” and “refugees” into Western nations regardless of the consequences to the host nations.

Many Western leaders have fallen into line, with Germany, France, Spain and Italy recently agreeing to set up “immigration shop” in places like Libya, Chad and Niger to confer legality on vast numbers who can then be “safely” transported to Europe with pre-approved paperwork.

European culture is being torn asunder as its streets have become dangerous to walk, particularly for Western women. The number of attacks, muggings and rapes is unknowable as authorities have done everything possible to hide these crimes and the identities of the “foreign youths” who commit them. But there’s no hiding the many terrorist events that have stricken London, Paris, Nice, Berlin, Brussels and Barcelona, where scores of innocent people are being slaughtered by the angry strangers they’ve taken in as their “Christian” duty.

It’s clear that Europe has changed, and will never be the same again. The same is true of the United States. Western culture is under a sustained assault justified by a false concept of “social justice.” If you don’t believe that Western culture should be broken down completely, its assets devoured by endless streams of the most primitive, backward “immigrants” to be found on planet earth, prepare to be branded racist, selfish, cruel, heartless and an enemy of “Christianity.” The current pope has decreed it, and Europe has committed cultural, if not societal, suicide.