Home » Vol. 19: 2nd Quarter 2016 » “Green” Peace-The Pope Hosts Grand Imam at Vatican

“Green” Peace-The Pope Hosts Grand Imam at Vatican

The pope recently held an “historic” meeting at the Vatican with one of the most influential Islamic leaders, the grand imam of Cairo’s al-Ahzar Mosque, said to be the highest authority to Sunni Islam. They apparently have it all figured out now, and can get about the business of establishing world peace. The grand imam reportedly decided to accept the pope’s invitation because of the many conciliatory statements he’s made toward Muslims, and because of his gesture of visiting Syrian refugees on the Greek island of Lesbos where he returned to Rome with five families to take up residence within the Vatican walls.

Apparently the last pope, the German Joseph Ratzinger who styled himself as “Benedict,” had ticked off Muslims by having appeared to equate Islam with violence in a speech he gave in 2006. He actually was quoting a 14th Century Byzantine emperor, Paleologus, in a commencement address. In the speech, the emperor dared to quote statements of Mohammad, and referenced chapter and verse in the Koran that speak of jihad, Holy War, and “spreading Islam by the sword.” That did it! Demonstrations and riots ensued in Egypt, a bomb was detonated at a Greek Orthodox church in the Gaza strip and Muslim ambassadors demanded an apology.

Does it seem a little ironic that the quotation of statements by Mohammed and passages in the Koran, clearly instructing Muslims to convert Christians and Jews to Islam, by killing them as a last resort, would cause an angry rampage? But apologies were quick to follow, and since Benedict became the first pope isince the 1400s to “retire,” Broglio, who calls himself “Francis” has been in full damage control mode.

According to Francis the pope, the solution to the intractable problem of terrorism and Muslim infiltration of western culture is to deny that there is an Islamic religious component to terrorist attacks, and insist that westerners embrace Muslim immigrants as “the poor.” Sheik Ahmed el- Tayeb (grand imam) tells Muslim immigrants to “meld into” western culture, and says, “Divine religions were revealed to make people happy, not to cause them hardship.”

This could be the start of something big.

It relieves Islam and Muslims of all guilt while imposing a responsibility upon western nations to accept African and Middle Eastern “refugees” by the millions to assuage blame for having made their lives unlivable in their own countries. Call it the ultimate in social justice, and the pope is all in. He’s brought many of the biggest names in protestantism on board and is now working toward bringing Islamic religious leadership into the philosophy as demonstrated by his “historic” meeting with the grand imam of Cairo. It’s starting to look like “green” may be the one-world religion of Bible prophecy.

The two religious leaders have agreed to meet again for in-depth discussions. For his part, the pope gave the grand imam a letter to take with him, something to consider while they make plans to meet again and bring about world peace. In it, the pope names global warming the real threat to all humanity. Will “green” emerge as a crucial doctrine in a religion of unity that brings Christians and Muslims together? Will the pope succeed in bringing Islamic leaders to respect him as having the spiritual gifts and connections the Vatican has always claimed? Stay tuned, this will get interesting!